
Build Operate Transfer (BOT) asSynergy Trade Solution Toward CPOB (Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik) Indonesia to The Investment of Purified Water System in Pharmaceutical Industries to Achieve Sustainability and Competitive Advantage

Type of Publication
Conference Article
Basuki Y. T and Kartono . R.. Build Operate Transfer (BOT) asSynergy Trade Solution Toward CPOB (Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik) Indonesia to The Investment of Purified Water System in Pharmaceutical Industries to Achieve Sustainability and Competitive Advantage,
  • Yerki Teguh Basuki

  • Dr. Rano Kartono, B.I.T., M.Buss (MIS).

    Dr. Rano Kartono, B.I.T., M.Buss (MIS).